30 May 2010

Bali Traffic Woes (From Bali With Love)

(5/24/2010) The government of Bali's capital of Denpasar has tasked its transportation department to review traffic flows and patterns to see if traffic congestion in South Bali can be lessened by introducing additional one-way streets and parking rule changes in some areas.
Any proposed changes remain under review and are subject to a consultative process with related government agencies.
Among the changes under consideration:
• Prohibiting parking on both sides of the street on crowded, narrow roads. One possible road listed for new parking restrictions is Jalan Sidakarya. 
• Altering the traffic flow direction to one-way streets. Jalan Gunung Agung, a road which has long been under consideration for one-way status, but delayed due to a lack of alternative roadways, is once again being scrutinized for one-way status.
• Changes in public transportation routes to make service more responsive to changing housing and work-place patterns in Bali.

One-Way Streets Problematic in Bali

One of the contributing factors to the difficulty of resolving traffic congestion in Bali is the blatant refusal of locals to obey one-way street postings. Local motorcyclists traveling the wrong directions on one-way roads is a common occurrence on the island.
© Bali Discovery Tours. Articles may be quoted and reproduced if attributed to http://www.balidiscovery.com. All images and graphics are copyright protected.
Taken from Bali Discovery.


  1. Bali is known as a paradise where there is no violence, no crime, a perfect tropical paradise somehow where the grace of the people is beyond the normal stresses of the regular world.

  2. Thank you for commenting. It's true Bali is viewed as a paradise and it is in many ways, but there are aspects of it that are the same reality as the rest of the world. Everything in this life has it's pros and cons and the traffic is definitely on the con list. Thank you again and hope to hear from you soon.


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